CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue on Public Finance and Economics
Special Issue on Public Finance and Economics
【Guest editors】
Chang, Juin-Jen (Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica) Chen, Been-Lon (Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica) Yang, Cheng-Chen (Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica)
Academia Economic Papers solicits submissions for a special issue on Public Finance and Economics, scheduled to publish in 2020. Academia Economic Papers is ranked as the top journal in economics by the Taiwan National Science Council and is currently indexed by many international databases, including Cabell’s Directory, EBSCO, Gale, ProQuest, and TSSCI. The abstracts of Academia Economic Papers also appear in the EconLit of the American Economic Association. The Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology has rankedAcademia Economic Papers at a level between Tiers B+ and B among SSCI international economics journals since 2015.
1. Fiscal policy and economic growth 2. Optimal fiscal and monetary policy 3. Fiscal policy and education
4. Public goods and efficiency
5. Externality and efficiency
6. Political Economy
7. Public Choice
8. Income distribution
9. Optimal taxation
10. Income tax
【Submission guidelines and deadline】
11. Tax evasion
12. Taxation efficiency
13. Infrastructure expenditure
14. Health insurance expenditure
15. Social welfare and pensions
16. Government budget
17. Fiscal division of central and local government 18. Public debt and management
19. Government accounting
20. Other related topics
Research articles in English and Chinese are solicited. Manuscripts submitted must be in a pdf format via the online submission system ( by August 31, 2019.
Academia Economic Papers
The Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
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