Graduate Institute of Development Studies, NCCU 2019_Job Announcement
Graduate Institute of Development Studies, NCCU
2019_Job Announcement
The Graduate Institute of Development Studies at National Chengchi University invites applications for a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor position. The appointee, specializing in International Development or Asia-Pacific Studies, will be responsible for offering courses (in Chinese and/or English) such as Research Methods, Regional and Global Development, Policy Analysis, and Innovation. Position begins on August 1, 2019.
Application Requirements
1. Curriculum vitae (indicating academic experiences, specializations, research interests, and the rank of position you apply for.)
2. Certificate of PhD degree (Those who have not received the diploma must provide proof of having passed oral exam or of approval of dissertation) and other proof of related academic and practical experiences. Foreign PhD diploma must be authenticated by ROC (Taiwan) Consular Office no later than May 15, 2019.
3. Official PhD transcript (not necessary if the applicant ranked associate professor or higher).
4. A list of publications.
5. PhD dissertation (not necessary if the applicant ranked associate professor or higher) and up to five representative publications from the last 5 years.
6. Four or five sample syllabi of the courses, including at least two in English, you intend to offer.
7. Two recommendation letters (not necessary for Taiwan’s university teacher certificate holders, postmarked by April 1, 2019, and sent to the Institute by registered mail.)
Please send one electronic copy of the aforementioned documents (1-6) to both and
Please also send one hard copy to:
Faculty Search Committee
Graduate Institute of Development Studies
National Chengchi University
No 64, Sec 2, Zhi Nan Road
Wenshan District, Taipei City 11605
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Application materials must be received no later than April 1, 2019 (Monday). Only short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview, which is scheduled between April 22 and May 3, 2019. If you have any question, please contact Ms Chang at 886-2-938-7098 or
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