• +886-2-2782-2791 # 633
  • cyshen@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Position of Department of Economics,NCCU

The Department of Economics at National Chengchi University in Taiwan invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions with appointment of teaching and research duty starting February 1, 2023. The full application materials should be sent by October 5, 2022.

Preferred Fields: Macroeconomics or International Finance.

Application materials should include:

1.        A cover letter for application

2.        Resume

3.        A Photocopie of the applicant’s Ph.D. degree certificate, or a formal letter from his/her supervisor to confirm that the applicant will receive the Ph.D. degree by the end of January 2023.

4.        An official copy of transcript

5.        List of Publications: such as degree dissertation, refereed papers and/or working papers within five years

6.        Three recommendation letters

Other Employee Benefits:

1.  National Health Insurance & Government Employees Insurance

2.  Living allowance, including marriage, maternity, funeral and children education.

3.  Faculty dormitory

4.  Research allowance.

Please send your application file to :
The Recruiting Committee

Department of Economics

National Chengchi University

Taipei 116, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Phone: 886-2-29393091 ext. 51058

Email: chung@nccu.edu.tw


** All application materials will NOT be returned.