• (02)2782-2791 轉 633
  • cyshen@gate.sinica.edu.tw





一、 職位:助理教授(含) 以下

二、 應徵資格:

1.     經教育部認可之國內外經濟相關領域之博士學位或於應徵時間截止前已完成博士學位所有要求取得畢業學校權責單位開具臨時學位證明文件者。

2.     具全英語教學能力。





六、 應徵文件:

        1. 個人履歷表(含學經歷、專長領域、研究方向)

2. 博士學位證書


        3. 成績單

        4. 博士論文

        5. 研究著作目錄(如無免附)

        6. 近五年代表性著作之英文摘要,或著作目錄一覽表 (如無免附)

        7. 擬開設科目之課程綱要(至少2門)

        8. 教師證書影本 (尚未取得者可免附)

        9. 學經歷證明(包含現職證明)

        10. 推薦信兩封


七、聯絡地址:116 台北市文山區指南二段64號 國立政治大學社會科學學院 國際事務辦公室

    電話:02- 29393091 #51280


八、截止日期:2022年3月6日於台灣時間下午17:00 前以電子檔案形式寄至fannie@mail2.nccu.tw

Faculty Position

International Master’s Program of Applied Economics

College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University

Taipei, Taiwan

Job Descriptions

The International Master’s Program of Applied Economics and Social Development is currently seeking excellent talents for expanding the breadth of our teaching and research. We welcome applicants who specialize in the related areas of Applied Economics. 

The position is a non-tenure track professorship at the level of Assistant Professor. This contracted position is available for annual renewal based on the applicant’s performance. This position starts in August 2022. You are required to teach two courses per semester. All courses have to be taught in English.

Prospective applicants have to submit a cover letter with the following documents to Fannie LIN (fannie@mail2.nccu.tw) before 3/6 2022:

l   Curriculum vitae

l   PhD’s doctoral degree certificate (the document required for authentication)

l   PhD’s transcripts

l   Doctoral thesis

l   Selected publications and the abstracts

l   Teaching outlines of two courses

l   Two letters of reference

l   The teaching certification (optional)

For more information about the program, please visit the website of the International Master's Program of Applied Economics and Social Development: (https://internationalprograms.nccu.edu.tw/)